Where Did Shawn Go?

https://mandikaye.com/blog/qk0v4uq He’s home. Sick. But because he can’t stand being home sick, he’s going into work at 10AM this morning and sequestering himself to the office so as not to infect others.


OK, enough with the 3rd person. πŸ™‚ Yeah, I have the flu that has been ravaging our school district. I try really hard to do all my computer work remotely so that I don’t touch keyboards and mice too often — but I have such a horrible immune system, even with such precautions I get sick more often that most.

Xanax 1Mg Buy Online Being sick all the time gets old. It’s not the sick that really bothers me though, it’s the guilt. I hate being out of commission and just sleeping or moping all day. Since I’m sick more often than anyone on the planet in my family, I tend to feel like I’m milking them for sympathy. So I push myself too hard. And I get MORE sick. It’s a vicious cycle.

https://www.clawscustomboxes.com/3hgqesq2 Anyway, I hope you’re all doing well. If you see my coffee cups laying around, don’t drink out of them, lest you get the crud.

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7 thoughts on “Where Did Shawn Go?”

  1. Shawn, hope you feel better soon. I’m with Michelle on this. To get better, you need to take care of yourself. Just follow Vince’s advices (all wise).


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