You know, a few months ago, I could have posted this screenshot and probably gotten on the local news. Or possibly on the cover of The Enquirer as a secret UCF/LHC/Palin conspiracy member.

Buy Ambien Online India Of course in these post-Palin days, I figure it’s just one of my Alaskan friends visiting. Still, seeing it makes me chuckle. 🙂
You got a vistor from nasa?!?! cool It’s probably me. I live in Palmer, but my ISP’s cable server is in Wasilla (and in truth I actually live right between the two towns and don’t actually consider myself a resident of either).
NASA is probably UCFer, Carol, she works at JPL. Jim: It was you indeed. And my NASA viewer is Carol. I just wasn’t going to call anyone out on their location. But since you started it… 🙂 Hey, Jim, what’s up with the outing of me! Yeesh! 😀 Yeah, the NASA hit was me. But maybe Palin Clonazepam Addiction is checking out your blog, Shawn. Ya never know, especially after this entry. She probably Googles herself several times a day. If she’s interwebs savvy even a little bit, it wouldn’t surprise me at all.
Zolpidem Online Purchase I’m surprised Carol gets any work done at all. She was on my blog 57 times today for a total of 384 minutes. (Just kidding!) First Jim outs me, then Nathan! It’s an anti-government conspiracy, I tells ya! (Hey, government workers ARE professional slackers.)
(Just kidding, NASA. Really. I’m setting up all those meetings RIGHT NOW!) Oops