I saw the doctor today, and he says I’m better! I no longer have pneumonia, I am no longer contagious, and I can return to work in the morning! Yay! Hooray! I’m glad to be over the hump. Really, I am. I gotta be honest though, I thought being healed would feel a whole lot better. I still have a horrible cough, chest/back/neck pain, and I’m hocking up nasty critters that look like they’re about to gain sentience. I do have a prescription for Prednisone, so hopefully that will finish off whatever ails me. In the meantime, I’m going to celebrate my health with a certain amount of trepidation and concern. guess now is that whole “recovery” period people have been talking about. Getting old sucks. 🙂
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Zolpidem Cheap Online YAY! Glad to hear you’re feeling better! Keep healing up!
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Clonazepam Withdrawal Symptoms Be careful with that prednisone… You’ll gain a lot of weight. No, wait! You can blame it on holiday food! Woo hoo! it was just 3 days worth of the stuff. As it is, since I got sick on November 17th, I’ve lost 23 pounds! (Not an idea way to lose weight, but heck, at least one advantage…)