In Which Shawn And Donna Flee The Country You know how after a couple gets married, they go on a honeymoon? Yeah, well Donna and I are doing that this week. Granted we put significant stress on the after part, since we were married almost 16 years ago. Nonetheless, better late than never. 🙂

This is the resort we’ll be going to. It’s the Secrets Resorts Silversands. Click on the pretty picture to take you to their website. We are really excited. If the resort lives up to half the hype, I suspect it will be like heaven on earth.

Our kids are spending the week with their aunt and uncle, and our college kid is staying home to take care of the house and animals. My boss at the school warned me that working remotely during my honeymoon would be considered insubordination. I think I like him. 🙂

We’ve packed swimsuits, books, and not much else. As it turns out, the weather here in northern Michigan will be in the mid 90s while we’re gone, and in Cancun the temperature will only be in the mid 80s. That amuses me immensely. Anyway, if you don’t hear from me here or on Twitter, take that as a good thing. Still, we’ll have wifi and cameras, I suspect we’ll want to share a bit while we’re there. (So me tweeting doesn’t signify marital problems, lol!)

Buy Xanax Europe I hope your week is wonderful, but unless you’re going on a fancy vacation, I hope our week is slightly more wonderfuller than yours. No offense. 🙂

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