Great White Gobs of Slippery, Slimy, Frozen Stuff

How To Buy Xanax In Australia Aren’t snow days GREAT?!?!?! And a personal note: This will be my 6 and 8 year old’s first snow day EVAR. (They were previously homeschooled).


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6 thoughts on “Great White Gobs of Slippery, Slimy, Frozen Stuff”

  1. Alprazolam Borderline Hey, Janiece, I had that same experience. Which is probably why I hate horses to this very day (except, you know, on a bun with pickles and ketchup).

    Alprazolam Buy Online Cheap Strangely, here in Alaska we almost never have snow days. The buses are all 4×4 and have automatic traction chain systems. Right now the wind is blowing 40-50 miles an hour and it’s snowing sideways. Wonderful, especially from where I’m sitting with a cup of green tea and a cat in my lap. Reply
  2. Buy Xanax Australia Well, my kids had a flood day today because in the Pac NW, our quasi-apocalyptic weather this weekend has created a disaster state in most of the Puget Sound area. The youngest’s 2nd period class yesterday was actually ‘evacuated’ to a higher area of the school after it started to fill with water… My thought was – why evacuate? If you need to move out of sections of the school because of high water, either send ’em home – or bring in the lifeguards. 😉 Reply
  3. Wow. That’s the kind of thing that is really cool — assuming no one gets hurt or anything. The computer guy in me screams at the notion of flooded computers and/or wiring though. Eiw.
