Great White Gobs of Slippery, Slimy, Frozen Stuff Aren’t snow days GREAT?!?!?! And a personal note: This will be my 6 and 8 year old’s first snow day EVAR. (They were previously homeschooled).


6 thoughts on “Great White Gobs of Slippery, Slimy, Frozen Stuff”

  1. I always hated snow days. If it was bad enough to cancel school, it was usually bad enough for the horses’ water trough to freeze over, and then the well would freeze, too. That meant carrying hot buckets of water from the house to the pasture so the horses could drink. But the time we were done, my pants were soaked (and frozen), and I was exhausted.

  2. Hey, Janiece, I had that same experience. Which is probably why I hate horses to this very day (except, you know, on a bun with pickles and ketchup). Strangely, here in Alaska we almost never have snow days. The buses are all 4×4 and have automatic traction chain systems. Right now the wind is blowing 40-50 miles an hour and it’s snowing sideways. Wonderful, especially from where I’m sitting with a cup of green tea and a cat in my lap.

  3. Well, my kids had a flood day today because in the Pac NW, our quasi-apocalyptic weather this weekend has created a disaster state in most of the Puget Sound area. The youngest’s 2nd period class yesterday was actually ‘evacuated’ to a higher area of the school after it started to fill with water…

    My thought was – why evacuate? If you need to move out of sections of the school because of high water, either send ’em home – or bring in the lifeguards. 😉


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