The Glorious Reveal!

Maybe not glorious, but hey, you get what you pay for. And this is free. (Click the image below to watch it online)


How To Get Xanax Script Online I’m Linux Journal‘s new, “Gadget Guy” — and I do video reviews of products for them. The first video is up, and depending on the feedback they get, I will be a continuous feature on the Linux Journal website. So like, go watch it and stuff. And tell your friends. And neighbors. And people you meet at the grocery store. And tell the Santa at the mall. Email your congressman a link.

Well, at least go Generic Xanax Online watch it. It’s not a dry product review, I promise. Just click on the picture above.

11 thoughts on “The Glorious Reveal!”

  1. Generic Xanax Online The direct YouTube link worked, but I definitely don’t see the embedded YouTube video on the Linux Journal site. Now, it is possible that Linux Journal detected that I’m using Windows Vista and shut me out… Anyway, the video was great, especially the ‘spoon factory’ spoof at the end. If I didn’t already have a Pinnacle PCTV box I’d probably get me a Neuros.

  2. ‘Use it in an earthquake’? ‘Colby the Lizard’? ‘Linux Fan’? ‘I Brake for Penguins’? Groan. (But in a good way.) Very nice presentation – and it made sense to me, which says a lot (I’m a bit of a dunce with this kinda thing). I’ll keep watching them. Who was that announcer? I liked the way she said “Shaaaawwwwwn POWers!” Very dramatic.

  3. That’s my wife. She agreed to do it, only because my alternative was to use “Julie” the sock puppet voice for the intro. If you don’t know Julie, just click on “podcasts” on the category section of my website, and you’ll see her in the “Exciting Excitement” videos I did for my youth group. I apologize in advance. 🙂


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