Continued 2008 Suckfest, and a Review.

It appears as though our well quit today. This does not please me, because although a well is just a big hole in the ground, it’s a rather pricey hole in the ground. And apparently our well pump doesn’t suck, and it’s actually supposed to. What a weird world. Anyway, wish me luck. The well guy is coming today at 5:15, and hopefully he’ll wave a wand and everything will be fine. Uh hu. Here’s this week’s product review, however, if you’re into that sorta thing. OH, and the company is GIVING AWAY 2 of these products through the Linux Journal website. It’s another video thing, apparently, but the prize is a TON better than a T-Shirt. For the record, Brad (our local commenting buddy) was the only one that won a T-Shirt, so winning might be fairly easy. I dunno. Click here to read more details.

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6 thoughts on “Continued 2008 Suckfest, and a Review.”

  1. The Tshirt reference reminded me that I am still shirtless, I suspect the ruthless mailman!

    Sorry about your lack of suction, you could be popular with the family and install a hand pump. It would save lots of money on electricity, possibly enough to write it off as an eco-friendly home improvement.

  2. Ah, generally, the preferred method is youtube and a link. šŸ™‚ In fact, I’m sure it would be exactly what they’re hoping for.

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