
https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/jxzxoydvm0 sm58.pngI’ve toyed on and off with the idea of a podcast. I’ve decided to go ahead with the plan, and I’m going to try doing a weekly deal. The bad news is that I’m not exactly sure how the format will go. It might change. It might flop. (The last is actually a significant possibility)

https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/hzrixoi4lyy The good news is that Kate Baker agreed to do the intro for me, so at least the first bit should be tolerable to hear. 🙂

Clonazepam For Panic Attacks I’ll keep you posted, because I’m sure you’re all just waiting at the edge of your seats.

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    In the email you get, there should be a link that you can use to manage your “subscriptions” to posts on my site.

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