I’m tired. It’s been a long week.
https://olashirt.com/hf4e2h0 One funny story (well, funny for me):
http://www.galleriamoitre.com/zigwjiq5lc I was talking with my friend Josh this evening, and he commented that Easter week is always really busy and tiring. He’s a pastor, so I’m sure that’s the case. My response was, “Yeah, it was pretty tough on Jesus too…”
https://juristas-ruidos.org/o7pcwl33njn To which we both laughed. It was probably blasphemous, but still, funny. 🙂
Shawn, you’re in good company.
I’m pretty sure that God likes us to laugh.
And if not, like Janiece said, at least you’re in good company!
HAHA! That is funny. I agree with Random Michelle K.
I don’t think it is blasphemous. I mean, wasn’t that why church groups all over went to see Mel Gibson’s movie? So they could see (in gory detail) what a bad week it was?
Nah, I watched the Lethal Weapon movies because of the humor…
Oh, you mean that other Mel Gibson movie. heheheh