I Have a Huge Tongue

No really, I do. See:


I assure you, that’s not photoshopped. So far, this massive muscle hasn’t proved terribly useful, other than it’s wide enough that it gets chomped between my jaws more than I’d like. If it were long instead of wide, it might be more useful, like for licking my eyeballs or something. As it is, I have amazing ice cream cone consumption abilities, and not much else.

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9 thoughts on “I Have a Huge Tongue”

  1. I have double jointed elbows so I can prop my hands on a table and swing my elbows. I’d say it’s a good party trick but mostly it just creeps people out.

  2. https://www.polefinistere.com/ovg84bqwr1f Hmmm. I can tie cherry stems in multiple knots with my tongue, and also unwrap Starburst with said tongue. Both are incredibly useful skills, particularly if you’re trying to turn someone on from across the room. Blowpops are also quite useful for this, but I won’t go into detail because Shawn seems rather innocent and I don’t want to be accused of corrupting a minor.

  3. I feel so..”normal” now…..shheesh!
    I cannot “knot OR undo” anything with my tongue…no double joints anywhere……nothing exciting.


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