Nobody Fixes Stuff Anymore The other day I was cleaning up some junk around the house, and threw out a lamp that got broken. OK, I stepped on the lamp and broke it. As I gathered the pieces to throw in the trash, I instinctively cut off the power cord, and began to wind it up for storage. See, for most of my life, … Read more

Our Van: Annoyingly Awesome

Our new van (2007 Dodge Caravan SXT) has one of the most annoying features in any vehicle I’ve ever owned. I don’t say that lightly, because there are many vehicular things that bother me. Things like the idiotic power sliding doors. Or my truck, for instance, has an extremely sensitive, “Oh you must have already turned, let me shut of … Read more

Manic Monday: Oh Crap, I Died If you’re not doing the Manic Monday challenges over at Aff The Fang, you really should. This week’s mission was to write our own obituary. Being still alive, I had to guess as to what mine will read like, but I think I estimated fairly close. You’ll have to go there to read the rest. It’s worth the click. 🙂 … Read more

Honey, I’m Home…

Wow, it’s kinda dusty around here. Yes, indeed I haven’t blogged for a full week. I was sick, and made myself chill out and heal. Sitting around is really overrated, and I’m actually starting to question how good I’ll be at retirement when the time comes. Thankfully, I have about 20-30 years to ponder the issue. 😉 As to the … Read more