I’ve Been “Tagged”

https://calif-ilc.org/w060mel42ma I don’t normally like chain emails and such — but Lynda Walldez listed me as a blog she “tagged” to participate in “8 random things.” I like the idea of 8 random facts, so I’ll bite. πŸ™‚ 8 Random Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me My favorite color T-Shirt is orange. I listen to The Carpenters when I’m depressed. … Read more

So I Almost Killed a Guy

https://oringsuspensiones.com/en/501nxm92 I live in a small town. When I’m driving down the road, I wave to just about everyone I pass, because chances are I know them. I also tend to wave to everyone anyway, but here in town — I’m less likely to offend someone if I wave at everyone. Today, however, I almost killed an elderly man on a … Read more

No Windows?

I just discovered that my website doesn’t render right under Internet Explorer… How odd! I’m starting to get enough traffic that perhaps hosting from my home DSL line isn’t really the wisest move anymore. Perhaps I’ll run to blogger or something, now that they have well done domain interaction. Did you know you can point your domain name to blogger, … Read more


https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/f5crx6bkwx I play guitar. Well, I want to play guitar. I’ve been learning for probably 20 years, but when it comes to actually playing a song, something doesn’t click in my brain. Oh, I admit that I haven’t practiced as much lately as I should, but honestly, practice starts to feel futile when you can’t seem to strum out a simple … Read more


Buy Zolpidem From India Hi everyone! I’m back. I’m tired, but I’m back. I have a terrible headache, but I’m back. My nose is running like a faucet, but I’m back. I miss my wife and oldest daughter (they stayed for another week), but I’m back. So far, being back kinda sucks… Hope you are all doing well. I look forward to catching up … Read more

Cats is funny thingz

https://www.polefinistere.com/y8dmldb I stumbled upon this video, and I thought it was pretty funny. I’m not sure the original source, but I thought it was great. The only background info I know is that a couple named “Jennifer and Jim” were getting really high water bills, and one day they found out what the cat did all day while they were at … Read more

What is Eat-2-Live?

My last post (I think it was my last…) mentioned the Eat-2-Live diet. Since it literally changed my life, I’ll expand a bit. About 2 years ago, I weighed 220lbs. I was at the doctor’s office for a routine sickness, and he mentioned offhand that I was at risk for heart attack. I hadn’t’ realized that was the case, so … Read more