The Ultimate Linux Upgrade In today’s tech tip, I show you how to upgrade Linux so you can have things like IE7, Minesweeper, and MS Paint! In today’s tech tip, I show you how to upgrade Linux so you can have things like IE7, Minesweeper, and MS Paint!
Tomorrow is April 1st, and apart from funny pranks and silly hats — the Conficker worm will rear its ugly head. As recently as yesterday, some early (not that early I realize) detection programs are available. And they’re free. The first is simple to use, but slow as crap. In the author’s defense, it’s just a proof of concept. But … Read more No really, it’s finally fixed. CNN reports the stock market is headed upwards on a steady rise to its previous highs. The stimulus package has taken hold, and jobs are being created. The Midwest alone has seen a 4% decrease in unemployment, and more jobs are being created every day. White House corespondent Julie Swarnok reports, “Now is the time … Read more
Can I Buy Ambien Online This hard drive contains over 16,000 photos of my kids growing up. No, I don’t have a backup. Yes, I thought I did. (An untested backup is no backup at all) I’m 99% sure the PCB failed. The mechanics inside the drive I believe are fine. The problem is, I need to find the exact same model number (WD2500JS-40NGB2) in … Read more
There have been some questions about my Houdini act, so I’ll set the record straight… 1) I am not the one that locked the keys in the car. I think that’s important to note. So, noted. 🙂 2) Our van is a 2007 Caravan, and doesn’t lend itself to jamming a coat hanger anywhere. Well, not with any actual hopes … Read more Who unlocked it with a string, piece of plastic, and physics? This Guy! Posted by shawnp0wers on Natuba (It’s a 2007 Caravan too, which makes me even more impressed with myself…) No really, I do. You know that awesome magazine company I work for? Well, you can get a year subscription to the digital version absolutely free. FREE. No strings attached. All you have to do is solve a puzzle and fill out a form. And puzzles are fun, so it’s like 2 gifts in one. 🙂 You have to watch … Read more Yes yes, I'm drinking caffeine in order to function. I blame DST. 🙂 Posted by shawnp0wers on Natuba