Moody Music, or Music for Mood? I was talking to my wife recently about music. She mentioned that she doesn’t like Nirvana, because it puts her in a dark mood. Discussions about the value of Kurt Cobain’s music notwithstanding, it’s impossible to deny that he could express his torturous depression impeccably in his music. What really stuck with me in our discussion, however, was that music … Read more

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What if C-A-T really spelled, Dog? Remember the original Revenge of the Nerds? It was an absurd 80’s movie. Some may say cult classic, some might say lame — some might say both. Anyway, there’s one line in the end, when Ogre joins the nerds, in which a drug induced nerd says, “What if along with infinite bigness, is infinite smallness?” That’s followed by Ogre’s famous … Read more

Space is really big It’s a little disheartening to think about the vastness of space, especially in contrast to the shortness of our lives. We talk about a “close” star being only 50 light years away — but holy cow. If my mother sent a message when I was born, I’d be dead before the congratulations ever got back from E.T. Our 90ish years … Read more

Amish Paradise This year, my family stole a tradition from some friends of ours. Every year, the evening before Thanksgiving they eat cabbage soup, and spend the evening together in candlelight (ie, no lights). Then, the next morning, oatmeal is all they get for breakfast. The idea is that it will make them all very thankful for Thanksgiving. We decided to do … Read more

Humble thanks for Thanksgiving

About 7 years ago, my family was in a very rough spot due to a car accident that turned our lives upside down. We were forced to go on welfare, my pregnant wife was forced to take a job bussing tables at a local restaurant, and we were the recipients of holiday food baskets, etc. It was a humbling time, … Read more

Would you go to Hell for your kids?

Cheap Clonazepam Online Pretty bold question, I know. Seriously though, almost any parent would *die* for their child without hesitation. A parent’s love transcends morality, responsibility, and do-gooding. The love a parent has for their child is indescribable, and is the only way we get a glimpse of the Lord’s love for us. Therein lies my dilemma. See, we’re clearly told to love … Read more

Day of Chaos, Part 2

Ambien 12.5 Mg Online Here’s the long version of what happened Friday regarding the file server. If you’re not interested, by all means just ignore this. It’s for informational purposes only. I was scheduled to work Thursday night 3rd shift. My plan was to apply security patches, run updates, scan hard drives, etc., on servers. Pretty much the stuff that can’t be done during … Read more