Merry Christmas Here’s a 1:45 snippet of the culmination of 2 months worth of preparation. My wife was the director of the children’s Christmas musical at our church this year, and tonight was the performance. We’re not sure what we’re going to do with ourselves now that there won’t be 3 practices a week, with 3 times that this past week. πŸ™‚

Buy Ambien Online From Usa Our youngest daughter, Lizzie, has her very first solo ever at about the 34 second mark. She’s 6 years old, and we are so proud. In fact, all 3 of our kids had solos (not just because my wife was the director!), and they all did wonderful. Lizzie gets the spotlight on Daddy’s blog, however, because it’s her first.

I’m so happy the musical is over! That’s not to say it wasn’t wonderful, but to get back to the regular amount of holiday stress will be quite a relief. πŸ™‚

4 thoughts on “Merry Christmas”

  1. Hi Shawn! One of my tech geek friends that knows you pointed me in your direction. Great Blog! I’ve been reading for a few weeks, but I just had to comment on how adorable that little video clip was. Your daughter was too cute.
    I could go back and make a bunch of comments on a bunch of your posts, but for time’s sake, instead I’ll just say this. You and your blog have definitely kept me entertained these last few weeks, and I’ll continue reading!

  2. Becky:
    Welcome! I agree with you on the cuteness factor, but I’m terribly biased, so my opinion is tainted. πŸ™‚ Thanks for hanging out with us, people actually visiting the site makes me feel less like a self absorbed twit when I post. ;o)

    MWT: It was. I was on the sound board, and in the first few moments of confusion with adjusting mic levels, I forgot to press “record” on the camera, and I missed about 20 seconds of the performance. That just kills me. When I record something from the television, I need to record ALL the credits, or I just feel like I’m missing something. Missing the first 20 seconds is going to haunt me for a while…. πŸ™‚


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