My wife is very sick today, and this commercial makes her smile. You can smile too if you like, but it’s really not about you, it’s about her.
My wife is very sick today, and this commercial makes her smile. You can smile too if you like, but it’s really not about you, it’s about her.
As I sit here with tissue in my nose and aromatherapy vapor rub doin’ it’s thang, this made me laugh so hard that I coughed for almost a minute and a half… it hurt but it was SO worth it! This was so sweet of you honey! Now the girls are sitting around me talking about who their BFFs are. We have watched this commercial about 15 times, Lydia didn’t get it at first but once she caught on, now they are all talking in acronyms. It’s VERY FUNNY!
Thanks Babe (as in a cute pet name… not as in the pig
Shawn, we’ve already established that Donna’s a Hot Chick, but now we know for sure that you’re a smart man.
That commercial makes me chuckle, too. Especially the companion commercial where the grandmother is the one texting up a storm. Hehe.
For God’s sake, put on some pants.
Really? For me that commercial is like birth control.