Exercise That Is Fun

OK, I hate exercise. I really really do.

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I'll give you a hint, I'm not the physically fit trainer on the left.

I would like some suggestions for exercise that is fun. Something that I might not consider exercise, but rather something fun to do.

No, not that. Sicko.

https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/lhreh9xcj7a Here’s a bit about the requirements:

Zolpidem Buy Online Uk 1. I don’t like being outside when it’s cold.

https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/ope7f17qixw 2. It’s always cold here.

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https://www.polefinistere.com/kw4vecf5vmh 4. I enjoy being lazy, but not wasting time. Yes, there is a difference.

Buy Zolpidem Paypal 5. The first one of you to suggest Richard Simmons videos will get such a pinch.

https://juristas-ruidos.org/qe0bqfd0 6. The closest racquetball court is a 40 minute drive, one way.

Buy Ambien Online Overnight Shipping 7. I can’t swim. Well, maybe if being pursued by a shark, but for the most part I don’t swim.

8. I’m the type of person they were targeting with those “electric zapping belt” products from a few years back. If I’d had disposable income at that point, I’d own one.

http://www.galleriamoitre.com/2eii9ow 9. I have pretty severe asthma.

http://www.servicebrandglobal.com/img/qagiwifu/ 10. I really hate exercising. Really.


16 thoughts on “Exercise That Is Fun”

  1. Well, if hiking isn’t in the cards, locate a toddler you can adopt. Every time a baby starts walking in this house, Donald loses 20+ lbs. It must be a guy thing.

    Otherwise, mall walking. Because I could totally see you buying a pretzel at Aunt Annie’s every time you hit that part of the food court. 😀

  2. Have your daughters make an obstical course in your house (outside if it’s summer) and have your try it out often. Fun for them and FUN for you.
    If you don’t like it , know I was tryin to think of something to fit your criteria

  3. Hmm, yoga, or getting one of those exercise balls and using it as a seat. Also helps with “computer slouch.” Or you could just do Kegels. Nobody will know you’re exercising. 🙂


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