Michael Jackson, Providing Humorous IM Fodder

https://www.suitupmaine.org/gjh2jrrztx Yes, I realize I’m a dork: Innocent Friend 11:48 I think Michael Jackson fans have officially lost their GD minds. Shawn Powers 11:48 His death is a real Thriller O.o Innocent Friend 11:49 rimshots Shawn Powers 11:49 But yeah, the fans should just Beat It Innocent Friend 11:50 yep Don’t care about the man for 15 years Shawn Powers 11:50 … Read more

Washing Out Your Brain

Have you ever heard of “Neti Pots” ? Apparently Oprah told the world how awesome they are, and now doctors are recommending them. Last week when I went to urgent care about a headache, sure enough the guy suggested I use a “Neti Pot” type thing. Actually, he suggested the Binford 2000 variety that uses a squeeze bottle, but the … Read more

The Time Management, She Approaches…

https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/sjitj8ss3 Well, I bought the book. It’s the Kindle version, which O’Reilly promised was DRM-Free — but I’m not totally convinced. Still, the book is amazing. I’m about 25% finished. This guy gets it, and I can’t recommend the book enough. Anyway, I think I’m going to officially start on July 1. I have bible camp next week, and need to … Read more

A Month of Schedules?

https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/selko23 I’ve spoken of this before, but the truth of the matter is that I’m a terribly disorganized person. I have an aversion to schedules, and I am a world class procrastinator. (Ask poor Jill, the editor at Linux Journal, about my deadline pushing. It’s disgusting. I have 2 more articles due today — and it’s already tomorrow AM.) Once upon … Read more

J. J. Abrams’ Kobayashi Maru

I won’t give you spoilers, because you need to see this movie. You really do. All I will say is that it’s amazing. Some people will be angry. And the reason they will be angry is because they know they can’t be angry. Amazing. Go see it. Really.