
https://transculturalexchange.org/bgwpniwsgt One of the stops we made on our recent vacation was at St. Augustine. It’s the oldest city in the country, or some such thing. Honestly, history really isn’t my thing — but it was also the first time I’ve ever seen the ocean. In fact, no one in my family had ever seen the ocean, so it was very … Read more

Florida, baby!

We’re leaving for an 8 day trip to Florida today. I’ll do my best to post from the road, but I urge you to read my daughter Amanda’s trip blog. Her teacher assigned her the task of journaling every day, and we’re posting it for her class (and the world, I guess) to see. Stop by and check it out!

If I could sleep, Iā€™d be less awake.

Can’t sleep. I might take some sleeping pills, but the fear there is that it’s so late I might not get up in the morning. Once midnight comes and goes, I grow leery about taking ’em. I’ll probably go take a couple Sominex anyway. It’s not like I have to get up early tomorrow. G’night everyone.

Chocolate Pop-Tarts

Last weekend, we traveled to Grand Rapids for my sister’s college graduation. We really tried to be frugal, and so we bought snacks, etc. for the trip. One of the snacks was Chocolate Pop-Tarts. As all too often happens after a long trip, much of the travel fodder remained in the van. Yesterday I plugged my cellphone into the car … Read more

Twitchy Hip

I just want to share a frustration with the world. My right hip twitches. This may not seem terribly newsworthy, but my right hip is also where I clip my cellphone. I put my cellphone on vibrate, and my darn twitchy hip makes it feel like I have a call. I just had to vent. I hope your day is … Read more

Submission #2

I submitted another magazine article today. This one was a little more work, but just as fun. (Ok, it’s actually for a “cool projects” issue, so it was VERY fun). I really enjoy writing these articles, I hope I can find more venues to publish. I think Linux Journal will get tired of me if I keep sending them query … Read more

Bright Stars

Last night, I found myself driving home after dark with our youngest daughter. Going for a ride in Daddy’s truck is a special treat, and apart from the loud exhaust, rusty body, and non-existent shocks, I can understand why. My old truck rocks. It’s a stick shift, and Daddy drives it kinda rough — great fun. Anyway, the really cool … Read more

Look, I don’t care why Linux doesn’t have issues with spyware and viruses like it’s glass-in-a-frame brother, but it doesn’t. Actually, I do care — but the beauty is that it’s true. Maybe it’s because it’s not a target. Maybe it’s designed better. Maybe it just has a cooler name. The truth of the matter is, we have 450 computers … Read more