General Thoughts
Passion First off, I highly recommend you do not watch “America’s Got Talent” — it’s almost entirely absurd. Their adoption of Jerry Springer as host only exemplifies that. That said, it was on TV while I was in my office, so I left it on for background noise. I heard a young man singing, and I was moved by his passion. … Read more
Star Trek the Experience: CLOSING!?!?! NOOOO!!!!! In a very depressing bit of news, Star Trek: The Experience is apparently closing on September 1st of this year. STTE has been one of those places I hoped to visit someday, and I don’t see how I can possibly get there before Sept. 1. I really can’t tell you how sad I am. I just can’t explain it. *sigh*
Bright Orange Above Ground Cable After 4 months of calling, complaining, calling, begging, calling, ranting, and then calling again — Charter finally sent out a technician that agreed to do what I asked the original guys in March to do. That is, to replace the coax cable from the road to my house. The connector at the house sat exposed to the elements for years … Read more
Thanks Kate!!!
Clonazepam Quick Delivery Online So… Kate made me a super cool header graphic for my website. In my spare time (HA!), I’m looking for a new theme that goes well with it. I am, needless to say, pretty excited about it. While I like the current picture of Mars, I’ve never really liked this theme. The widgets are funny. And not in a ha … Read more
I Won! I Won! I also got my time machine working, but that has nothing to do with this post. Srsly. Proof? You want proof that I won? Fine, here ya go: (Click to embiggify) I also was already contacted by Future Nathan, and he assured me my prize of a Dominos Pizza should be delivered any minute now. I’m so excited!
I Get Ranty at HP
My Linux Journal video this week is a far cry from my normal silliness. There’s a part of me that hopes my change of pace further exemplifies how serious I feel about computer vendors and their lack of openness. I’ll admit, this video was awkward for me to release, because it’s not my normal shtick. Feel free to disagree with … Read more
I Have a Huge Tongue No really, I do. See: I assure you, that’s not photoshopped. So far, this massive muscle hasn’t proved terribly useful, other than it’s wide enough that it gets chomped between my jaws more than I’d like. If it were long instead of wide, it might be more useful, like for licking my eyeballs or something. As it is, I have … Read more