General Thoughts
Reader Request: Fireflies So yesterday, Carlie left a comment saying she was disappointed in the lack of fireflies in my tour. Since she asked so nice, and also because she’s my boss, I figured I’d oblige her: (Note: Carlie is also facilitating the iPhone adoption next month, so she’s on my short list of people to keep happy… 😀 )
Ambien Order CanadaThe Dumb Gubmint Well, this week is payday. That’s normally a great thing, but this week is a bit depressing. See, my awesome job at Linux Journal pays me (again, awesome), but the amount I get from LJ, plus the amount I get from the school pushes me into a new tax bracket. The precise tax bracket is one I refer to as, … Read more Journal Video
Clonazepam 1Mg For Sale I forgot to post the latest video here. It’s all Linuxy and stuff. Enjoy.
Friday Cat Blogging
Hey, there’s still 5 minutes left of Friday. I made it. Barely. This is KiKi, sleeping in her cat treehouse thingy. It’s only significant because I was using the treehouse to hold my laptop while recording my latest Linux Journal video, and she kinda freaked me out when I noticed her in there. She’s an awesome cat.
5 Day Mulligan
This past week has really really stunk. I call a do over. Or at least, let’s not talk about it anymore. For those keeping score: The product I was supposed to review didn’t come in I wasted a whole day working out purchase orders for used computers My replacement video did not go well, and was 2 days late I … Read more
Mah Stuffs I added an RSS feed widget thingy over on the right hand side of my blog, so if you’re dying to know what I have been writing instead of stuff on my blog, you can do so. I post 2-3 times a week over there (the third post being a video every other week). It may not be your cup … Read more
How Does This Keep Happening?!?! Oh well. I do have a special “UCF” section that I keep up with. I haven’t commented as much as I’d like, but at least I try to keep up on things. 🙂
Recycled Cat Post
Buy Klonopin For Sleep Disorders It’s cat blogging Friday. Apparently. 🙂 I don’t have any new Kiki pictures, but here’s something I whipped up last August when John Scalzi was out of town. She looks pretty much the same, except she’s currently chasing a moth around the house.