Reader Request: Fireflies So yesterday, Carlie left a comment saying she was disappointed in the lack of fireflies in my tour. Since she asked so nice, and also because she’s my boss, I figured I’d oblige her: (Note: Carlie is also facilitating the iPhone adoption next month, so she’s on my short list of people to keep happy… 😀 )

Ambien Order Canada

The Dumb Gubmint Well, this week is payday. That’s normally a great thing, but this week is a bit depressing. See, my awesome job at Linux Journal pays me (again, awesome), but the amount I get from LJ, plus the amount I get from the school pushes me into a new tax bracket. The precise tax bracket is one I refer to as, … Read more

Friday Cat Blogging

Hey, there’s still 5 minutes left of Friday. I made it. Barely. This is KiKi, sleeping in her cat treehouse thingy. It’s only significant because I was using the treehouse to hold my laptop while recording my latest Linux Journal video, and she kinda freaked me out when I noticed her in there. She’s an awesome cat.