My Man Cave

So instead of jacking up our house and putting a basement underneath ($25,000 for an empty shell of a basement), we’re going to just build a shed for me to use as an office. The question, is whether or not to build said shed, or to get a “pre-cut” kit. The former might be cheaper, and easier to customize. The … Read more

When Do You Have a Community? I watched a great video today, and it reminded me of the UCF. If you don’t know what the UCF is, well, don’t worry, we’re just a group of people that are online friends. We’re a community if you will. In fact, the idea that online friends care enough to remind me about taking my blood pressure medicine is amazing. … Read more

The Story of Trunkboy

Purchase Zolpidem Tartrate 10 Mg Tablet My oldest, and most widely used online name is “trunkboy”. As a big fancy grown-up, I realize this name is odd at best. It’s one of those things, however, that is so deeply ingrained into my past, that ditching the name just seems wrong. Plus, it’s the account I use on gmail for everything, so it would be very inconvenient … Read more

A Double Poopy Day Today stinks. Really and truly. First, when dropping the kids off to school, this happened to the gas stations in town: Then, the reason I didnt’ stay at work after taking the kids, is because our toilets won’t flush. No mere plunger will do the trick, either. Our septic tank is full. At least, that’s my hope. Getting it pumped … Read more