The perfect morning I had a glimpse of a perfect morning (Shawn style), earlier today. It was tainted by sick day guilt, but it was still a refreshing, almost utopia-like view of morning perfection. I sat at the kitchen counter, on a hard wooden stool. The sun was pouring in the window behind me so that I could feel the warmth soak through … Read more

I, writer. I write because I want people to value my thoughts. Is it because I have self-worth issues? Maybe, but more than that I think it’s that the brain is a lonely place. I am a family man, and my wife and kids know me very well. There is a privacy in thoughts, however, that you can’t really convey well in … Read more

So now I have to get famous

First off, I fully believe that “famous people” are absolutely normal people. Often quirky, but that’s not an attribute reserved for the famous. They’re just people. If there is a difference, it’s the huge disadvantage they have because they’re known by so many more people than they know themselves. So what’s a star to do? Good question, and one that … Read more

Review: My free Senseo I signed up for a free coffee maker. (The promotion is over, sorry) Part of the deal is that I share the coffee with friends, and they’ll love it so much they’ll rush out and buy the $70 machine for themselves. Here’s my review. 🙂 First off, I wish they’d have sent me a different color, but beggars can’t be … Read more

So I walked into the ladies room… Apparently, to me, this sign means: “Women, men in kilts, or people who enjoy sitting in recliners are welcome in this room.” Since I fall into the last category, its OK for me to stroll in, right? Here’s the deal: my wife and 2 youngest daughters were looking at “capri pants” or some such girly thing. I thought we were … Read more

Procrastination, the precursor to perfection

Can I Really Buy Ambien Online In an irony that I just relish, this post has been in my “draft” area for about 5 days. Are you a procrastinator? I am. My whole life I’ve been trying to avoid being a procrastinator, but I think I just needed to redefine the rules to fit my tendencies. (nothing like redefining reality to suit your own needs, eh?) … Read more

Escapism, or playing poker with a purple pony…

There are some words that have bad connotations bestowed upon them. We’d argue some are deserved, like the evils of “murder”, “adultery”, “saturated fat”, or “LA Clippers.” (I had to take a cheap shot at SOMEONE, and it’s unlikely that either Clippers fan will ever read my blog…) Escapism, however, often gets a bad rap, and I don’t think it’s … Read more