Boom. Inspiration. I started writing a book! I know, a million would-be authors have started the Great American Novel, but at least I’m almost a published author, right? 🙂 Seriously though, writing a novel is a different beast. I’m thinking about characterization, plot, etc. I know I have the writing ability, I know I have a great idea — the next part … Read more

Hardcovers, and SFWA

The Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) have an election coming up, and a ton of rhetoric and flame wars are going on. I’m not in the association, so I won’t be voting — but if I could, I’d be voting for John Scalzi for president. It’s no secret that I’m a Scalzi fan, but there’s much more … Read more

Ficlets I didn’t really like the idea of Ficlets when I first read about them on John Scalzi’s blog. Basically, you write a VERY short story, and others can add on the end (or beginning) of it, and make a big lego-like story. I thought it was odd, and didn’t write a ficlet for a long time. I recently wrote a … Read more

Query Accepted!

It’s very possible the editors at Linux Journal will read this post, and validate their concerns that I’m not a professional writer. I guess that’s OK, because I certainly never claimed to be so. 🙂 A few weeks ago, I sent a query letter to Linux Journal regarding an article I’d like to write for them. I won’t go into … Read more

Scalzi Book Protest

Order Zolpidem Overnight John Scalzi recently did a “high priced” commercial for his book, The Android’s Dream. I laughed really hard, and thought I’d do him the favor of producing one for his upcoming book, The Last Colony. [flv: 400 300] UPDATE: For those of you unfamiliar with John’s work, the video will make very little sense…