DNA Testing

This photo was not staged. Donna called me quietly into the living room so I could see “my” kids. (They’re usually “mine” when they are misbehaving, but this time, it was hard for me to deny them…)

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https://oringsuspensiones.com/en/fra91h71 A (micro)chip off the old block. 🙂


8 thoughts on “DNA Testing”

  1. My kids are ultra-geeks too, isn’t it fun?

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    I just got my youngest a used powerbook G4, the a high-end 12″ version, it looks like a baby of my MBP. He has been absolutely glued to it. He’s working on learning to create animations.

    The oldest is up for a new used Mac too, at Christmas – although not FOR Christmas – his ancient PC desktop is barely functional and riddled with spyware. I’m watching ebay and craigslist. 🙂


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