This photo was not staged. Donna called me quietly into the living room so I could see “my” kids. (They’re usually “mine” when they are misbehaving, but this time, it was hard for me to deny them…) A (micro)chip off the old block. 🙂 My kids are ultra-geeks too, isn’t it fun? I just got my youngest a used powerbook G4, the a high-end 12″ version, it looks like a baby of my MBP. He has been absolutely glued to it. He’s working on learning to create animations.
The oldest is up for a new used Mac too, at Christmas – although not FOR Christmas – his ancient PC desktop is barely functional and riddled with spyware. I’m watching ebay and craigslist. 🙂 Hee! I see Hot Chicks in training! Dad, I hope you have your weapons at the ready…
Jeri: The smaller Apple computer is actually the high end G4 12″ Powerbook, and the larger is my MBP. 🙂 Great minds think alike. The little one in the middle is the super cool EeePC, which you may be seeing reviewed soon on the Linux Journal website. 🙂
Janiece: Ugh, I know. They boys already call my 10 year old…
MMORPG, right there in the living room.
It is an utter certainty that this picture will somehow, somewhere, someway end up on a de-motivational posture.
hehhehe. Just be nice to my kids in the poster. Or I’ll kick your arse. 🙂
My first thought was world of warcraft runs in linux now. They must be raiding the mines outside Goldshire!
Maybe they are just myspacing about their facebook accounts while linking youtube video’s.
Wow. That looks like my living room. Am I the only Mom who says, “Save now, boys. We’ll be home in five minutes…”?
Oh my goodness, I love that. Too cute.