I Want One of These.

https://www.polefinistere.com/6nteul7b1 tentacle_02.jpgI don’t know why. I know that I would like to wear it to work. And just one, because two would be silly.


https://calif-ilc.org/t0ecpmo If you want one, just click on the photo, it will take you to an online store. Please buy me one too, because there’s absolutely no way I could convince my wife it was a good idea.

18 thoughts on “I Want One of These.”

  1. I know how this would play out in my house – the husband and I would get sets for both arms, and wear them to some family event (Thanksgivving, Christmas, Birthday Party, whatever), and have a blast. His family would not get it. We’d probably get into slap-fight with them, because it looks like you could and it’d be funny.

    https://www.beecavebee.com/z0vs6fjcm2 My friends would laugh, and ask if we were getting ready to film amateur hentai. His friends would say “Your wife’s into some weird stuff, isn’t she.”

    https://olashirt.com/i7z3j5d2jq Oh, but I want some. Maybe even extras to put on a harness so it’d look like I had 4 or 6 tentacles coming from my upper body.

  2. https://calif-ilc.org/rpi1jjsg Leave one hanging out of the trunk on your car…

    Buy Ambien In Mexico Curl it up, put it in a big jar, place in a prominent place in the fridge, suckers out, about eye level – do this the next time you have house guests…

    https://www.polefinistere.com/8munycz Explain to your child how if she doesn’t behave, you’ll summon the ‘squid of doom’ – then hide in the bushes and wave it outside her window right before bed time…

    Klonopin 0.5Mg Dosage Buy a cat sized pet carrier, leave the tentacle hanging out the door. Pour a bottle of water over your head, and some in the pet carrier, so that you and it are dripping. Go sit in the waiting area of your local veterinarian.

    Open your water well cap, put the tentacle inside. Recap. Call that plumber who tried to screw you on the new well pump…

    https://oringsuspensiones.com/en/lj7x4lkllj Anybody remember that scene in Buy Klonopin Without Prescription Better Off Dead where Lane Meyers’ (John Cusack) mom is cooking in the background and there’s a pot of waving claws and tentacles on the stove – no explanation, it’s just there? God, I love that movie.

  3. I love that show too, Anne. It’s one of my favorites. I think my favorite segment is “scenes from a hat”, or the props one you mentioned.

    Buy Zolpidem Er I think I’d personally enjoy the segments when they do voiceovers for old movies. I tend to do that anyway, especially if the TV is muted. My family has varying levels of tolerance with that game…


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