Open Source on the OSX

First off, a disclaimer: I am a Linux enthusiast. This is no secret. What may not be evident, however, is that I’m not a purist. I believe in the best tool for the job, and if you want to use Windows or OSX, more power to you. I’d rather you choose to try it, rather than have me shove it … Read more

Parody Much?

I tend to impulse buy domains. I own, because I was (and largely still am) frustrated with Digg. This morning, I was watching Gary Vaynerchuk’s Wine Library reviews, and thought it would be funny to do a parody. So, I bought a domain. Be sure to watch Gary’s stuff first, then check out my own review: Gary: Me: … Read more

My Man Cave

So instead of jacking up our house and putting a basement underneath ($25,000 for an empty shell of a basement), we’re going to just build a shed for me to use as an office. The question, is whether or not to build said shed, or to get a “pre-cut” kit. The former might be cheaper, and easier to customize. The … Read more

When Do You Have a Community?

I watched a great video today, and it reminded me of the UCF. If you don’t know what the UCF is, well, don’t worry, we’re just a group of people that are online friends. We’re a community if you will. In fact, the idea that online friends care enough to remind me about taking my blood pressure medicine is amazing. … Read more

Green Jelly

This song was released the year I graduated from high school. What crazy kids we were. 🙂 I was so not cool back in high school. I’m OK with that. Donna, however, was pretty cool. We didn’t go to the same school, and that’s probably a good thing, or I’d have never had the guts to talk to her. And … Read more

Tux Drying His Face

Whenever Tux gets a bath, he rubs his face on the carpet. The video really doesn’t do it justice, but it’s hilarious to watch. 🙂 (Plus, Michelle is under the weather, and wanted to be entertained. Here ya go.)

Are You the Gatekeeper?

Inspired by Michelle’s post about her hubby, I thought I’d share a dialog that happened this morning: [Shawn and Donna are walking into the school for work, Shawn has a key to the front door] Donna: You know, I’m just using you for your key… Shawn: That makes sense, I am the keymaster. Are you the gatekeeper? Donna: No, I’m … Read more