Tips When Contacting Tech Support

When contacting the IT department at work, or calling a repair shop for your home computer, here are some tips for getting fast, friendly service: Fully describe your computer. Yes, we could look up the specifications for your computer, but it sucks to do that. Just tell us what you have. (Unless you consider the big box with lights the … Read more

Fruit Fly Invasion

Alprazolam Powder Online My office has been overrun with fruit flies. Mind you, my office is cleaner than it’s ever been — but the custodians haven’t been taking out my garbage, so apparently I now have a fruit fly version of Motel 6. Sometimes the swarm is so bad that I want to gouge out my eyes, and this morning, that almost happened. … Read more

Back to Normal

No, I’m not going all “Blair Witch” on you or anything. I just took this photo. It’s 3AM, and I finally turned in my article. Now, I only have the regular amount of stress. You know, 53 work orders, 8359 emails in my inbox, and impatient, unhappy co-workers. (If you’re my co-worker, and reading this — of course I don’t … Read more

Blue Slushies

All 3 of our kids are in public schools this year, which is a really big deal, because we’ve been homeschooling for a long time. So far, it’s been going well. It helps that I work at the school, and Donna substitutes as an aide. In fact, today Donna told me a hilarious story about our youngest, Lizzie. Donna was … Read more

Articles Online (and Free!)

For those of you that didn’t get forced to read the actual Linux Journal magazine that published my articles, you’re in luck! Today being September 1st, the articles from the August issues are available to read online for free. Way to go Linux Journal! Here ya go: Build Your Own Arcade Game, and Relive the 80s Thin Clients Rock The … Read more