I Blow My Nose at You, English Pig Dog!

Today we took my oldest daughter to Urgent Care for pink eye. (She actually didn’t have pink eye, but it sure looked like it, and we didn’t want her to miss a day of school) On the way home, Donna and our oldest were discussing the odd accent the Urgent Care doctor had. His name sounded Latino, but his accent … Read more

Hide Me in a Field of Pink Elephants

https://www.psicologialaboral.net/2024/08/07/c99znna My oldest daughter loves pink camouflage. While it doesn’t look silly, it sure seems like it should. Why on earth would they make pink camo? I wonder if it looks normal to me just because I see it so often. Maybe, there is a place that pink camo works. I’d kinda like to see it. As it turns out, my … Read more

Little Bobby Tables

https://oevenezolano.org/2024/08/p02ioz6 This comic made me laugh so hard I almost had to replace my coffee-soaked keyboard. You may want to swallow your caffeinated beverage of choice before reading any further. (Yeah right, you know you read the comic before reading this. You open the present before the card on your birthday too, don’t you?!?!)

Meow Point Five

This is just a quick post regarding Apple OSX version 10.5, or “Leopard.” I’m not terribly impressed. No, it’s not out in retail yet, but it’s awful close. Maybe it will grow on me, but now I’m just more annoyed at the changes than I am impressed by them. I can’t say much more, or Apple might sue me — … Read more

Just Call Me God

Many of you know I’ve started writing my first novel. I have to be honest, I’ve been struggling like crazy. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a problem writing, but with a novel, it all comes out awkward and weird. I think it’s because I’ve been trying to write the way “standard” modern novels are written, which is in … Read more

Turkeys on the Bed

I do have my room now, so I can stop lugging around my unmentionables to conference sessions. I took a few pictures of the room, including one of the pillows as they are stacked on the bed. Now, I understand that fancy stuff is nice, but my bed(s) look like they have a pile of junk on them. It reminds … Read more

MAplE CaNDY!!!

AAAAHHHH HAHAHAHAHAA! I just ate a whole box of maple candy. A whole box. A whole box. A whole box. I’m rather wired now. Yep. Quite a bit. WEEEEEE!!!! I think this is what schizophrenia feels like. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH HHAAAAAHAAAAHAAAA! …watch me run. Run RUN RUN!!!

Fed Up?

Ever been fed up? I am. It’s not my family or marriage or anything, but work & church are really getting me down. I’m pretty fed up. I’m grumpy too. I’m actually not very fun to be around, and I’m wearing the “look that kills” pretty much all the time. It sucks. But don’t worry. I’ll get over it. Eventually. … Read more