Poor Telemarketer

Order Xanax Overnight Online A very nice young telemarketer from AT&T called me yesterday. Most of the time I gauge my phone nastiness factor on how idiotic the caller behaves. I vary between just hanging up, to stringing them along, to acting insane, or sometimes I just leave the phone off the hook and see how long it takes for them to hang up. … Read more

We Like The Moon (and Perigee!)

Tonight, the full moon is also the Perigee Moon — which means it’s actually at it’s closest point to us. Here in northern Michigan, we have a beautiful clear night as well, so the view is spectacular. In celebration of the Full, Perigee moon, I give you the Spongemonkey’s rendition of, “We Like the Moon.” You’re welcome. 🙂

Restaurant Spike Nightmares

(This is an old post, but I actually had a nightmare about one of these things last night, so thought I’d repost) There are some things that really scare me. Bees, hoop earrings, woolen underwear, and restaurant spikes. Ok, ANY earrings give me the heebee-jeebees, but that’s another story altogether. Every time I go to a restaurant, I have the … Read more

Yay! Stamp Math!

Did you know a US Postage Stamp costs 41 cents? Yeah, so did I. Did you know that 41 cents ends up being one of each of the commonly used US coins? ME NEITHER! Things like that are super cool for me. I have no idea why. Unfortunately, when the postage rate goes up again, there won’t be such a … Read more

Exciting Excitement

Today was our first large Youth Group gathering. (My wife and I are the youth leaders for our church) The object lesson was a cup of tea, or more specifically, steeping a cup of tea. Here’s the video I made for the event. Don’t judge me. 🙂 Just in case YouTube is blocked for you, here’s a direct link to … Read more

If I Were a Star

A literal star I mean. I would want to be a brown dwarf. They just look cool, what with their eerie glowingness and all. If I couldn’t be a brown dwarf, I would want to be a star large enough to go supernova, because I think that’d be fun. I’d also want to be large enough to be a black … Read more

I, Uh…

You ever have nothing to say? I have nothing to say. So I’ll say it: [Blankness Here] There you have it. Nothing interesting to say. I’m going to go watch Transformers now. (It came out today, and I didn’t see it in theaters)