My Pretty Peculiar Popsicle Problem I love Pop-Ice. You know, those plastic tubes filled with flavored goodness, which are frozen, and eaten right out of the tube? My favorite flavors are pink and blue. I know, those are colors, not flavors, but really I don’t think they contain any natural flavors at all. I could say my favorite flavor is bimethylhexaflorimine, but really, isn’t it … Read more

8 Things I do that annoy people.

Xanax Order Canada Sometimes I do things for no other reason than being different. Maybe it’s because I like to do things that annoy people. Here’s a short list of 8 things I do off the top of my head. 1) I like to set my alarm clock to PM when it’s AM, and then set my alarm to go off in the … Read more

Look, it’s Me, the S.O.B!

I have a stressful job. So do most others I know, but believe it or not, my stressful job affects me more than it effects others. Funny how that works. When I’m stressed, I tend to turn into an S.O.B. (Silly Old Bear — c’mon folks, this is a family blog!) Really, though, I get irritable and cranky. I’m going … Read more

Yeah, I’ve Got Goals

[audio:] I keep reading how important it is to set goals. Not just set them, but write them down. I’ve never really been one to do that, and at the same time, I rarely meet the goals I do have (but not written.) So here’s the deal. I’m going to write some down. You do the same. I don’t really … Read more

You’re Not in my Brain?

I just realized (OK, my wife realized for me, bless her heart), that although I talked about my awesome t-shirt gift that no one understands, I didn’t give any credit to the givers! I guess I just assume my brain is open for all to see, and expect you to read what I think, not what I type. So here’s … Read more

Gettin’ a Song

Donna and I have been married for almost 12 years. (Crowds cheer, the banners fly, yay for young marriages that work!) In all that time, we really never had a “song” that was ours. You know, the “song” that when it plays, you can say, “That’s our song.” We’ve never had one. Until a few months ago that is. Don’t … Read more

I own this as a shirt

I received the following on a t-shirt for my birthday: And I love it. Really, it is hilarious, and when I first saw it, I almost spit coffee all over my laptop. But there is a problem. It’s really hard to explain what it means to anyone that’s not a Unix/Linux geek! I have a couple other t-shirts that are … Read more

Bye-bye, $200

I suck. Apparently, it’s a law that one must fully stop at the end of a private drive before entering traffic. I’m ashamed to admit I didn’t know that was a law — but unfortunately, the police officer that pulled me over was quite aware. I don’t really want to talk about it.

Sometimes Great Things Happen

Back in 1985, things were cool. If you disagree, you’re either too old or too young. The 80’s were my heyday, and I’ll always identify with everything from that decade. I was a bit younger than most people who identify with the 80s, but really, that’s the time I identify with my youth. One of the coolest, awe inspiring things … Read more