Is easier better?

Buy Cheap Xanax Overnight Yesterday, I was speaking with a dear friend at a softball practice. Both of our daughters are on the team, so we got to sit in the peanut gallery and gab (it’s practice, so it’s not like we were supposed to be cheering or anything). She brought up an interesting notion, in that she thinks due to her difficult childhood, … Read more

Boom. Inspiration. I started writing a book! I know, a million would-be authors have started the Great American Novel, but at least I’m almost a published author, right? 🙂 Seriously though, writing a novel is a different beast. I’m thinking about characterization, plot, etc. I know I have the writing ability, I know I have a great idea — the next part … Read more

Take the green pill, Neo

I just recovered from a 16 hour headache. It was a doozy. I feel better now, and I don’t have gas either. Odd thing to mention? I agree. In our medicine cabinet, we have sinus headache medicine. They are green pills, which a person with a hurting melon takes every 6 hours to feel better. The problem is that some … Read more

Hardcovers, and SFWA

The Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) have an election coming up, and a ton of rhetoric and flame wars are going on. I’m not in the association, so I won’t be voting — but if I could, I’d be voting for John Scalzi for president. It’s no secret that I’m a Scalzi fan, but there’s much more … Read more


So Tigger got skunked. Yep. Right in the face. When I smelled it, I ran outside to bring him inside, so that he wouldn’t tangle with the skunk I smelled. Too late. When he came running to me, his face was still wet from skunkiness. It was truly disgusting. So Tigger will be spending the night outdoors, and tomorrow, we’ll … Read more


I never knew this was a real thing! I do it all the time, because I’m a silly guy, but apparently it’s something definable. It showed up on my “word of the day” list, and I thought it was really cool! Spoonerism: the transposition of usually initial sounds in a pair of words. For example: “I tooked the curkey” (I … Read more

So I’m not loved by all…

I found out today that one of my co-workers reported me as being, “incompetent and having lazy work habits.” 4 years ago, that would have devastated me. Now, it makes me chuckle a bit, but ultimately feel bad for that person. Over my career working for this school district (a bit over 7 years now), I’ve seen all kinds of … Read more