How I Broke Into Our Van (with Video)

There have been some questions about my Houdini act, so I’ll set the record straight… 1) I am not the one that locked the keys in the car. I think that’s important to note. So, noted. 🙂 2) Our van is a 2007 Caravan, and doesn’t lend itself to jamming a coat hanger anywhere. Well, not with any actual hopes … Read more

Requesting Song Suggestions I like music, I really do. I don’t listen to music as much as other people, largely because I like music so much that it sucks me in. I can’t work with music playing, because I just stop and listen to the music. I can usually watch TV while working, because it doesn’t draw me an as much as music. … Read more

The Student Has Become The Master

Today I put this together: Some of you may have seen my tweet about it earlier. The part that was really interesting for me is that a former student was chatting with me over IM while I was assembling it, walking me through some of the things that have changed since I last built a white box machine. (Several years) … Read more

Incorrect Aspect Ratios: A Huge Pet Peeve

Look, you have a new 16×9 high definition television. I get it. So do I. There is something in us that WANTS to have every single, beautiful pixel filled with entertainment awesomeness. But here’s the deal — your 4×3 footage was never meant to be displayed like that. It’s just wrong. Picard did not have a head that fat. I’ve … Read more

D.A.R.E. This is Amanda. This is Amanda’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education diploma. She completed the course, passed whatever tests need to be passed, and made her parents proud. I’d like to take this time to share my views on speaking to your kids about drugs. Do it. Often. Yes, yes, that’s a pretty common mantra, “Talk to your kids about drugs.” … Read more

Congratulations Donna!!!

My beautiful and talented wife interviewed for a position as a paraprofessional in the school library yesterday. Apparently she blew away the competition, because the interviewing process didn’t even go into a second round (normally it does). Donna loves books, so I’m sure her enthusiasm came through in the interview. AND, the library is conveniently located approximately 2 feet from … Read more

Numb3rs, Revealed. After an overindulgence of melange spice turkey, I had a realization that the numbers were in fact television stations. In our audio/video behemoth system, we have the ability to tune in several cable stations, and rebroadcast them throughout the school. One of the custodians wanted me to switch one of the stations so he could watch basketball or some such … Read more

If You Can’t Do It Right, Bugger Off

Dear software developers: If you are unable to create your software in a way that follows standards clearly put forth by Apple, Microsoft, etc — please don’t sell software. As a possible exception, if you feel the need to create non-standard software that only works on a standalone computer and only works for the user that installed it, offer instructions … Read more