What the Junk?

https://www.beecavebee.com/x60ghf1p8y We don’t have a junk drawer in our house. That saddens me immensely. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a big fan of clutter, but it’s very strange to live without a junk drawer. At work, it’s not really been a problem, historically, because I’ve had at least one place for junk. For example: But here at home, my wife … Read more

I’m leaving, on a motorhome…

https://sapooni.com/iuqktrt On Monday, we’ll be leaving for a camping trip to the upper peninsula of Michigan. I’m looking forward to the trip, but it means we’ll likely be away from any Internet connection. I’ll be bringing my trusty laptop along, and will keep blogging (offline), and if we get to a hotspot somewhere, I’ll upload! Do what does that mean? Well, … Read more

My Pretty Peculiar Popsicle Problem

https://olashirt.com/u0qbgskd I love Pop-Ice. You know, those plastic tubes filled with flavored goodness, which are frozen, and eaten right out of the tube? My favorite flavors are pink and blue. I know, those are colors, not flavors, but really I don’t think they contain any natural flavors at all. I could say my favorite flavor is bimethylhexaflorimine, but really, isn’t it … Read more

Look, it’s Me, the S.O.B!

I have a stressful job. So do most others I know, but believe it or not, my stressful job affects me more than it effects others. Funny how that works. When I’m stressed, I tend to turn into an S.O.B. (Silly Old Bear — c’mon folks, this is a family blog!) Really, though, I get irritable and cranky. I’m going … Read more

Gettin’ a Song

https://www.polefinistere.com/cui6487h3 Donna and I have been married for almost 12 years. (Crowds cheer, the banners fly, yay for young marriages that work!) In all that time, we really never had a “song” that was ours. You know, the “song” that when it plays, you can say, “That’s our song.” We’ve never had one. Until a few months ago that is. Don’t … Read more

Families, Grudges, and Reconciliation

https://www.beecavebee.com/ye7vbciyt5 I had a falling out a while back with one of my sisters. It was one of your standard fallings out — basically miscommunication and misunderstanding. Since we’re too old to kick each other in the shins and go tell Mom, we basically haven’t spoken in months. If I thought hard enough, I could remember the details regarding our spat, … Read more

More about Chris

Yesterday, I posted about how impressed I was with Chris’ performance. I went back tonight, and even though there were some changes to the performance that detracted a little (not Chris’ decisions), it was still incredible entertainment. I have a couple video clips taken with our little digital still camera. The video quality is terrible, but you can get a … Read more

The Joy of Being Outdone

https://www.beecavebee.com/2bo8io7un76 Maybe it’s because I always feel old around my birthday, but every once and a while, I’m awestruck when young people do amazing things. If you’re a parent, I’m sure you know what I mean, but you don’t have to be a parent to experience it. I think what really gets my goat is when someone younger does something so … Read more