And on the Diet Front…

I accidentally ate a whole bag of Chex Mix. And yeah, it really was an accident. I sat down on the couch after work, and sitting on the coffee table was an open bag of Chex Mix. Without thinking, I grabbed it, and proceeded to eat the whole thing. (Not the actual bag, I don’t want to be that guy…) … Read more

My Pants are All Shrinking… OK, so here’s the deal: I’m currently claiming more than my fair share of matter in the universe. I’ve had this struggle before, and it’s usually due to stress at work. (Well, ok, it’s indirectly due to stress at work, it’s actually due to eating lots of food and being a lazy SOB) It’s not that I’m terribly vain, and … Read more

Eat to grow

I’ve been following the Eat-2-Live diet very closely since Sunday. Yes, I realize that’s only 3 days ago. I’m pretty ticked off, because in that time, I’ve actually GAINED 3 pounds. What’s up with that!?!?! I’m sure it’s just some odd fluke, but it sure is disheartening. My first instinct is to ask, “I can has cheezeburger?“

Fork me

Just a quick post about a big annoyance of mine. In the past month, I’ve been to (3) restaurants with the most absurd forks ever forged. (Are forks forged? That awful fancy talk for a lowly fork… anyway…) Does someone think these pitchforks are actually fancier than a human fork? Was it actually hard to keep track of 4 freakin’ … Read more

I’m not quite dead! (I am getting fat though) I’ve noticed that I’ve fattened up of late. I notice it because the only pants that fit me are the 2 pair of fat-guy khakis I have left from my pre-skinny-getting days. What happened? You stopped eating smart, you dolt. You eat anything you want, as much as you want, and any time you want. You’re lucky you can fit … Read more

Review: My free Senseo

I signed up for a free coffee maker. (The promotion is over, sorry) Part of the deal is that I share the coffee with friends, and they’ll love it so much they’ll rush out and buy the $70 machine for themselves. Here’s my review. 🙂 First off, I wish they’d have sent me a different color, but beggars can’t be … Read more

Are You Annoyed by “Small” Being Called “Tall?”

I took the family to a really nice coffee house this evening. All 4 of them ordered hot chocolate, but I won’t yammer on about wasting a good coffee house experience with simple hot cocoa. It may sound cheesy, but this particular coffee house actually has a drive thru. (I know, that sorta cheapens the place — but it’s one … Read more