
I never knew this was a real thing! I do it all the time, because I’m a silly guy, but apparently it’s something definable. It showed up on my “word of the day” list, and I thought it was really cool! Spoonerism: the transposition of usually initial sounds in a pair of words. For example: “I tooked the curkey” (I … Read more

So I’m not loved by all…

https://www.suitupmaine.org/07fbcjq I found out today that one of my co-workers reported me as being, “incompetent and having lazy work habits.” 4 years ago, that would have devastated me. Now, it makes me chuckle a bit, but ultimately feel bad for that person. Over my career working for this school district (a bit over 7 years now), I’ve seen all kinds of … Read more


https://www.beecavebee.com/7ahmydj I’ve had more than a 3 day gap in posts before, but for the next 3 days I’ll have a reason. Or excuse. Or something. Donna and I are going with the youth group to lead a retreat. It’s in a beautiful camp located on 6.5 miles of Lake Huron waterfront. The forecast calls for rain and snow, but it … Read more

Incoming Subspace Signal

Zolpidem Order Lorazepam OK, I’m waaaay too proud of this ringtone, but I made it from television show clips, and think it is awesome. It’s an MP3 (Razr Compatible) file of the Enterprise computer from TNG saying, “Incoming subspace signal…” I’ve gotten so many comments from people about it, that I wanted to put it here for everyone to download. So here’s for … Read more

Awesome Wife Have I

You know what we’re doing this fine Tuesday evening? We’re watching old episodes of Star Trek the Next Generation. That’s right, I said we are watching it! Donna is the coolest wife in the world. I think that her not being a die hard trekkie, yet still enjoying watching it with me makes her super cool. She’s the woman that … Read more

Holy Insomnia, Batman

https://www.daathize.com.br/90dx38fx8qg It’s 4:18. Nope, now it’s 4:19. Wait for it… Wait… BAM! 4:20. And yes, I actually did wait for the clock to turn. I’m that bored. You ever been sleepless? OK, I’ll try to sleep again. It’s getting close to that point that sleeping will be worse than staying awake. You know what I mean. If you only get an … Read more