Rocket (wo)man!

Last night at the Hugo Awards, my friend Kate Baker was on the ballot for being the podcast director of Clarkesworld, which was nominated for Best Semiprozine. That means she can forever refer to herself as “Hugo Award Nominated Kate Baker”, BUT THEN that whole idea was ruined when she went and won! Now she has to refer to herself … Read more

Linux Journal: It Bytes To Go To Bits Today, Linux Journal announced something that I’ve known was coming for a while now. We will no longer get that wonderful excitement of finding a good old fashioned paper magazine in our mailbox every month. The good news is that Linux Journal won’t be going away. We’re just switching medium. It’s no longer possible for the company to sustain the … Read more

Bappy Hirthday!

Buy Ambien Zolpidem Uk Today is my dear wife’s birthday. As is accustomed here in the Powers household, we shall fan her with palm branches, feed her grapes off the vine, buy her flowers, take her on a gondola ride in Venice, and paint her toenails with the distilled tears of a thousand unicorns. Or at least the flower thing. Happy Birthday Choochie, I … Read more

Things Appear to be Normal. Well, Shawn-Normal. In other words, there may be wild monkeys with chicken heads flying around the room with wet paintbrushes and flaming leotards — but nothing weird. The DNS might take a while to propagate, but if you’re reading this, then it’s already propagated for you. You win!

In Which Shawn And Donna Flee The Country

You know how after a couple gets married, they go on a honeymoon? Yeah, well Donna and I are doing that this week. Granted we put significant stress on the after part, since we were married almost 16 years ago. Nonetheless, better late than never. 🙂 This is the resort we’ll be going to. It’s the Secrets Resorts Silversands. Click … Read more

Do Something Silly Day 7 Yesterday I was sick, so I didn’t post anything silly. I suppose when I tried to calm my upset stomach by eating leftover Indian food it could be considered silly, but I decided to do (2) silly things today. Here is the first. 🙂 I gotta say, purposefully doing something silly every day has been AWESOME. Even if you don’t … Read more

Do Something Silly Day 6 Today sorta snuck up on me, or rather snuck away from me. It’s almost tomorrow, and I’ve barely been silly at all! Well, nothing brings out creativity quite like desperation. So here we go! So, it’s been almost a week. I think you should start posting some comments about the silly things you’re doing. Because really, misery silly loves company. … Read more