Android Blogging My head hurts, this test is all you get. Well, maybe a photo too. My head hurts, this test is all you get. Well, maybe a photo too.
Yes, the rumors are true — is now mobile! What, you haven’t heard the rumors? I guess that’s understandable. They were really only circulating around my house. And if you were around my house listening to rumors, well that’s just creepy. GO HOME! On your way home, assuming you take public transport and aren’t driving, you can now browse … Read more L. O. L. You can’t make this stuff up, I found this post in my “Drafts” section of WordPress’ dashboard. Dated August 10th. I think posting it like this is actually better than finishing my original thoughts on the matter, which I assure you were profound. 😀 Why yes, I did start this post about a week ago and I’m … Read more UPDATE: Kris wins. 🙂 I am an information addict. The Internet is my crack, and the LCD monitor is like my crack pipe. (Or heroin and syringe if you prefer, or meth and… well, I don’t know how one “does” meth, but you get the idea) At work, I have (3) 22+ inch monitors set up like a central command … Read more
I normally do work involving clicking and typing, but soon (I hope), I’ll be doing work that involves hammering and sawing. And likely grunting and belching. Also probably whining and thumb smashing, but we’ll ignore that bit for now. Basically, I’m extending a wall from our walk-thru closet about 3 feet into our living room. Then I’ll be chopping the … Read more
Fast Delivery Clonazepam This isn’t the first time I’ve ranted about Anti-Lock Brakes. Last time, my post sparked lots of discussion in IRC, IM, and in the comments. I’ve thought long and hard about why exactly I hate them so much, and I’ve come up with why. First though, I should give them credit where credit is due: I Believe Anti-Lock Brakes Stop … Read more
I figure, if I make them publicly, I’ll have slightly more motivation to keep them. In the end, it won’t likely matter, because let’s face it — you aren’t the boss of me. (Well, not true, a few of you might actually be the boss of me. Your powers are limited to the ability of adding a new resolution to … Read more
We’ve all got flash drives. They’re awesome. They’re great. They are awesometastic with awesomesauce on top. But I’m curious, what do you keep on them? I’m a big fan of bootable USB drives. In fact, although he hasn’t updated it in a while (hint hint), I think Bill Childers‘ Linux distribution “Billix” is handy to have in your pocket. But … Read more
I have a bunch of duties over at Linux Journal. I’m certainly better at some things than others, and if you ask Jill (the Executive Editor), deadlines are not one of the things at which I’m particularly skilled. 🙂 There is one task I find especially enjoyable, however: Answering letters to the editor. I’m not entirely sure why I enjoy … Read more