Lower Than Low

Order Ambien From Canada I understand that I live in a northern climate, and cold weather is part of the deal. Really, I do. I just wish the forecast people would give realistic estimates. See if you can tell what’s wrong with this little forecast widget’s forecast: Notice today’s low. Notice the current temperature. Guess who’s grumping because he needs to snowblow the driveway … Read more


Do You Game?

https://calif-ilc.org/5gbphluii I realize I am the exact demographic that should play video games like crazy. When the Blizzard company’s board meets — they probably use pictures of me when they discuss ways to better market their product to computer geeks. I should be every game-producing company’s ideal target. As it turns out, I’m just not a big gamer. Bear in mind … Read more


Does Anyone Still Have Waterbeds?

Ambien Buy Canada Remember the waterbeds that used to have a big wooden frame, and a rubber bladder on the inside? The kind that was quite impossible to “make” because it constantly moved, which wrinkled the sheets? The kind that was either so hot it made you sweat, or so cold you (sometimes literally) got hypothermia? Does anyone still use those things? I … Read more


Incorrect Aspect Ratios: A Huge Pet Peeve

http://www.galleriamoitre.com/9cubxxd Look, you have a new 16×9 high definition television. I get it. So do I. There is something in us that WANTS to have every single, beautiful pixel filled with entertainment awesomeness. But here’s the deal — your 4×3 footage was never meant to be displayed like that. It’s just wrong. Picard did not have a head that fat. I’ve … Read more

My Too Tall Desk

https://sapooni.com/q72pp34 I’ve mentioned my little “office area” in our bedroom before. The more I use the desk, however, the more I’m annoyed by its height. The entire desk is about 6 inches too tall. The keyboard is a bit too high, the monitor is a bit too high, and that makes the webcam too high — it just goes on and … Read more