Palm — Help or Hinderance?

Online Doctor Prescription Ambien I’ve had a multitude of Palm Pilots over the years. I’ve always thought they’d help me with organization, but in reality, they’ve never done more than cause frustrations. Maybe I’m doing it wrong — but it seems I end up spending more time syncing, updating, etc, and less time accomplishing anything. I’m curious how useful handheld computers are for folks. … Read more

My Pretty Peculiar Popsicle Problem I love Pop-Ice. You know, those plastic tubes filled with flavored goodness, which are frozen, and eaten right out of the tube? My favorite flavors are pink and blue. I know, those are colors, not flavors, but really I don’t think they contain any natural flavors at all. I could say my favorite flavor is bimethylhexaflorimine, but really, isn’t it … Read more

Yeah, I’ve Got Goals [audio:] I keep reading how important it is to set goals. Not just set them, but write them down. I’ve never really been one to do that, and at the same time, I rarely meet the goals I do have (but not written.) So here’s the deal. I’m going to write some down. You do the same. I don’t really … Read more

Gettin’ a Song Donna and I have been married for almost 12 years. (Crowds cheer, the banners fly, yay for young marriages that work!) In all that time, we really never had a “song” that was ours. You know, the “song” that when it plays, you can say, “That’s our song.” We’ve never had one. Until a few months ago that is. Don’t … Read more