My Chat with AT&T Posted without comment… info: Please wait for a chat representative to respond. info: You are now chatting with ‘Ian Young’ Ian Young: Thank you for chatting with at&t today, I am happy to assist you Shawn Powers: Can you give me an idea when our service will work here in Indian River, MI? Ian Young: I am happy to look … Read more

Leadership is…

Online Xanax Reviews Leaders succeed vicariously. Leaders have thick skin, but use it to protect others. Leaders make the coffee. Players win, coaches lose. Managers convince people to do their best, leaders inspire people to do their best. Leadership is smiling because no one else is. Leaders come in early, and make sure everyone else leaves on time. Leaders do the unpleasant jobs. … Read more

Sometimes I Preach (Dec 11th)

Rx Xanax Online This was my sermon from today. My normal disclaimer applies: If you don’t want to hear me preach a Christian sermon from Sunday morning, I won’t be offended. I’m not a professional, etc, etc, etc. Nonetheless, lots of people asked for these, so here ya go. 🙂 December 11, 2011 Title: “I’ve got this job for you…” Verses: Matthew 1:18-25 … Read more

Living vs Existing

This is not my normal goofy post. Just a warning. This is a personal post, and if you feel squiggy about taking a glimpse into my personal life, flee now. Like many artsy-fartsy folks, I struggle with clinical depression coupled with crippling anxiety. It might be cool if a creative person battling with inner torments and emotional pain was unique … Read more

Because Giving Up Is For Chumps

This is my daughter Lydia. Lydia is in 7th grade, and has a very slight frame. I’d say she’s scrawny, but since she’s 10 times tougher than I am, that seems like a silly thing to say. Since my wife Donna is a high school volleyball coach, Lydia gets to (or has to) sit through the older girl’s practice every … Read more

Photon Obesity At All Time High

Our nation is struggling with a growing obesity problem unlike anything we’ve seen in generations past. Our slovenly lifestyle is beginning to leak into science as well, however, and the ramifications could be deadly. Researchers at CERN, (yes THAT CERN) have discovered the speed of light is beginning to slow down. They fired a beam of light and some subatomic … Read more

I Miss My Droid

Three or four months ago, my beloved Droid died. Since I don’t use my phone for actual phone calls, I decided to just not get a new phone, and stick with my work provided iPhone for my mobile computer needs. (I can’t use it for personal calls, but I have unlimited data and talkatone, so those rare times I have … Read more

Amanda & Chris Sing “Grenade”

Every so often, I post a video of Amanda playing her guitar and singing. What can I say, my totally-parentally-biased self thinks she’s pretty good. Anyway, her uncle Chris is home from college, and joined her for this particular song. NOTE: No actual grenades were harmed in the making of this video.

Rocket (wo)man!

Last night at the Hugo Awards, my friend Kate Baker was on the ballot for being the podcast director of Clarkesworld, which was nominated for Best Semiprozine. That means she can forever refer to herself as “Hugo Award Nominated Kate Baker”, BUT THEN that whole idea was ruined when she went and won! Now she has to refer to herself … Read more