Did You Get a Geeky Gift? Win a T-Shirt!

https://www.psicologialaboral.net/2024/08/07/ytwdo4s Following my review of the Penguin Pooper, Carlie Fairchild, the publisher over at Linux Journal, started a review contest. The first 20 people submitting video reviews of their geeky gifts get free T-Shirts. But even more than that, the bragging rights that go along with such a contest. Go quickly!

This, I Remember

There was a slight… disbelief in my household this Christmas, which YouTube graciously helped me prove wrong. No one remembered this, but once I found it, and showed them, they all remembered. Yeah, if you’re in your 30s, it will make you nostalgic, I promise. 🙂

Video Clue

We do a scavenger hunt every Christmas — and this is a video clue for the girls. Going to Daddy’s blog was the last clue, this one sends them somewhere else. AWESOME fun for the girls. Merry Christmas everyone. 🙂

Best Ever

Here at the Powers’ homestead, Christmas is always a mixed bag of joy, stress, depression, fun, and food. And presents. I must admit, I’m not terribly fond of this time of year, and my personal mood tends to lean more toward depression and stress than anything else — but there are some things I like about the season. One of … Read more

New Video, and a Request

If you’re willing to watch my latest review below (Here’s a link to all of them to date), please do so. Then I have a couple questions… Most of the folks reading my blog are intelligent people. Although varying in tech skills, I value everyones thoughts. Regarding the video reviews for Linux Journal: 1) Should I record reviews of things … Read more

My Day, Crud Edition

I didn’t throw up until 1:30PM, so that was good. Things were actually quite nice until the afternoon, in fact. I had a meeting, drank some coffee, ate some lunch; it was pretty nice. Then, for some odd reason, I began violently throwing up. It was truly a vomit fest, and just as gross as it sounds. With chunks. (And … Read more

Messing With My Theme

If it seems dark in here, it’s just me fiddling with the site. I am trying a new theme. I might keep it, and I might not. In fact, I might delete this post, and you’ll never know. 🙂