Vernal, baby…

Yay! Today is the Vernal Equinox, or for you less geeky folks, the first day of Spring! That said, it was VERY COLD here last night, and we got snow the day before… but I’m focusing on the officialness of spring rather than the reality of cold. Basically, I’m living in a very cold dream world. Oh well. So, has … Read more

Scalzi Book Protest

John Scalzi recently did a “high priced” commercial for his book, The Android’s Dream. I laughed really hard, and thought I’d do him the favor of producing one for his upcoming book, The Last Colony. [flv: 400 300] UPDATE: For those of you unfamiliar with John’s work, the video will make very little sense…

Dumb ol’ spring… It’s springtime here in northern Michigan. Maybe not according to the calendar, I’m not sure of the “legal limits” on seasons — but it’s springy weather here, so by my calculations, that makes it spring. For dog owners, spring doesn’t just mean birds twittering, trees budding, and flowers blooming — it means poop thawing. Admittedly, this year we didn’t get … Read more

Bread candle?

I love scented candles. I love the smell of fresh baked bread. In much the style Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups were invented, what if candles and bread crossed? Would you like a fresh baked bread scented candle? I’ll tell you what, I’d buy that for a dollar! (Incidentally, “I’d buy that for a dollar” is a rather famous, if not … Read more

How sweet she is…

Xanax Bars Online How sweet is my wife you ask? (Ok, you didn’t ask, but I’ll tell you anyway) I’ve been talking to Donna about writing professionally for quite some time. Ok, more than “quite some time” — it’s been more like the entire 13 years I’ve known her. I always go on about how I’d like to be a writer, how it’s … Read more

Fork me

Buy Original Xanax Online Just a quick post about a big annoyance of mine. In the past month, I’ve been to (3) restaurants with the most absurd forks ever forged. (Are forks forged? That awful fancy talk for a lowly fork… anyway…) Does someone think these pitchforks are actually fancier than a human fork? Was it actually hard to keep track of 4 freakin’ … Read more

22, 29, and vomit

It’s been a week since I posted. That’s horrible! I’m not feeling terribly well, so this is just a quick recap of the week. 22 — On Tuesday, I had a file server crash. Yes, it was the same file server from before, so I wasn’t terribly happy about it. I worked 22 hours on the server, and got everything … Read more

Hockey & Bathtub Peeing

Yesterday, a really good friend let me use his wife’s season ticket and go to a Michigan vs Michigan State hockey game with him. (Yes, his wife approved) I’d never been to a hockey game before, so I planned to write about it. In fact, while I was there I was thinking about what I would mention. 5 minutes inside … Read more