The Flowbee Sucks. And Cuts!

The truth of the matter is that I love my Flowbee. The folks at Linux Journal got it for me as a pseudo gag gift last year for my birthday. The joke, as they say, is on them. 🙂 For some reason people want to see video proof of Flo’s suckitude. Here’s the latest cut…

These Bookmarks Are Priceless

Really. They’re not for sale. This particular one was made by a 6th grader. She was one of the winners of the “design a bookmark” contest here at the school library. She’s also my daughter, which is awesome for many reasons. (No, Donna and I were not judges in the contest.) The winning bookmarks, of which there are 12 or … Read more

What Should Be In The High School Library SciFi Section?

As many of you know, my wonderful wife works in the high school library. Even if you didn’t know that, it’s still true. Seriously though, one of the areas the library is severely lacking in is the science fiction department. Really, it’s slim pickings. So here is my request: Please leave in the comments what books you think should be … Read more

Doing The Right Thing

It often sucks, quite frankly. Vacation is over, and tomorrow, all the staff and students will be bounding in the doors ready to tackle this new year with vim and vigor. (As opposed to emacs and vigor? Nevermind, nerd joke.) The problem with that is Saturday night, when I went home for the evening around 11PM — I hadn’t quite … Read more

Washing Out Your Brain

Have you ever heard of “Neti Pots” ? Apparently Oprah told the world how awesome they are, and now doctors are recommending them. Last week when I went to urgent care about a headache, sure enough the guy suggested I use a “Neti Pot” type thing. Actually, he suggested the Binford 2000 variety that uses a squeeze bottle, but the … Read more