All About Me

Ambien Cr Order Online Everybody’s doing it, so I figgered I would too. I saw Jim’s first, so officially that’s the one I’m responding to. Enjoy: 1) Ever been in a relationship lasting over 5 years? Yes, been married for 12 years. Also, had a pair of sneakers for about 7. The wife is much better looking. And smells nicer. 2) What was one … Read more

Shawn’s Rules for Public Meetings

Some guy named Robert got to have his name on a list of rules, so I hereby claim the following rules as Shawn’s Rules of Public Decency in Meetings: 1) In order to complain about something, a person must actually know what they’re talking about. It’s important to note that someone telling you about it doesn’t count as knowing about … Read more

Brake Pads Well, I’m off to buy brake pads, and replace the bad ones on the van. Lucky for me, I don’t have a garage, and the temperature is below that which freezes water (and rear ends). I also have a selection of tools that likely came from the dollar store. That, and a cub scout knife from the early 80s. It … Read more

Busy, Busy, Busy Work (all kinds) has me currently very busy, so my blog usually suffers. That, and since my blog was spamming folks, it took more of it’s fair share of yesterday morning away from me as well. So instead of some enlightening, meaningful, comedic quip — I give you a picture of a recycling bin. Linux Journal Sponsored Recycling! Here’s the … Read more

I Did. I Promise. I really did take my medicine last night. I promise. And I’m quite certain of it, because I had to get up and use the facilities about 37 times. (My blood pressure medicine is a diuretic, which is just a joy to take before bed.) Maybe I should get one of those fancy pill cases with the days on them. … Read more