On Creation

https://www.polefinistere.com/z32cn4f5k No, not in the biblical sense (or in the bedroom sense… boy, I should really rethink that title…) (This is actually a journal entry, but it felt like a blog post when I finished, so I copied it here too) I’m almost 50. Well, recently 49, and 49 is close to 50. And while I’ve been financially poor and financially … Read more

Why Some Things Stick

http://www.galleriamoitre.com/1zig3ick2m It annoys me how prevalent ADHD is in every aspect of my psyche. Really. I’d like to have some qualities and faults which don’t fall directly in line with how ADHD brains work. I used to think I was a special, albeit broken, snowflake. (Not in the political sense, I just mean in the special and unique sense) But nope, … Read more

eBikes: No Longer a Fan

I’ve raved about my Lectric XP eBike for a while now. While I haven’t used it this summer (until today, he foreshadows forebodingly), last year I put hundreds of miles on it. The thing is, an eBike, or a, “pedal assist” bike, makes riding a bike fun again. Remember when you were 12 years old, and you could ride your … Read more

RedHat: Rocky Times with its Alma Mater

https://juristas-ruidos.org/6brc0q0kq Intellectually, I understand the importance of Open Source licenses. The nuances of GPLv2 and GPLv3 can change the entire way a piece of software is used, developed, and shared. But I don’t really care all that much. Sure, I lose a lot of “cred” when I dismiss licensing so offhandedly. How can I call myself an Open Source evangelist, or … Read more

An Open Letter to Shaun Lamp, CEO of Great Lakes Energy

https://olashirt.com/jyr34w5qr Hello Shaun, A few months back, I got an email from GLE, which announced your new position as CEO (congrats!), along with other updates about service, fiber internet rollout, etc. One of the things I noticed in the email was that Great Lakes Energy doesn’t actually produce electricity, but buys it from a local supplier. I’m sure it’s more complex … Read more


Last night I had the opportunity to speak for Linux Dominicana, which is the Linux Users Group in the Dominican Republic. I was approached several months ago by a man who has since become a good friend, asking if I would give a webinar-based talk. As most people reading this know, I’m currently trying to produce more and more content, … Read more

Star Trek Me This

A while back I posted a poll on Twitter about which Star Trek technology would be the most significant. Usually when I bring the topic up in conversation, people jokingly say the Holodeck, and then say, “But seriously, warp drive is the most significant tech.” I generally argue that the replicator is the most overlooked tech in Star Trek, because … Read more

Interns, and College, and Certs. Oh My.

I do not have a college degree. I think it’s important to lead with that, because while I’ve built a fairly successful career, I’ve done it without actually attaining a degree of any sort. I did attend college — a major university for 2 years, and a community college for a year. But in all that time (and all that … Read more

Unlimited Local Storage for $12 per Month. Really.

https://oringsuspensiones.com/en/p5wqozvp950 I have a 48TB NAS in my basement. Granted, thanks to RAID6 I only (only!) have 36TB of usable space, but still, I assumed that would last me forever. Thanks to ripping DVDs and Blurays, I was so very, very wrong. Rather than spend a few thousand dollars on a new NAS, however, I decided to host my files in … Read more