My Favorite Editorial Task

Order Klonopin Overnight Shipping I have a bunch of duties over at Linux Journal. I’m certainly better at some things than others, and if you ask Jill (the Executive Editor), deadlines are not one of the things at which I’m particularly skilled. 🙂 There is one task I find especially enjoyable, however: Answering letters to the editor. I’m not entirely sure why I enjoy … Read more

Disconnecting My Inner B0rg I have a deadline. Mind you, this isn’t just a regular deadline I’ve pushed off until the last minute (rest assured, I have one of those for Monday. Seriously.) This is a monumental project that has been delayed due to a myriad of reasons. Some reasons good ones, some reasons not. But it’s a deadline. So I’ve decided this weekend … Read more

In Which I Pimp My Own Interviews I’m sure it makes me horribly narcissistic, but I’m just so humbled that people actually want to hear what I have to say, I thought I’d pass the links on to you. In case, you know, you’re one of those people. 😉 First: Back at The Ohio Linuxfest, I was interviewed by Aaron Newcomb from The Source. It’s a video … Read more

Why Would A Person Go To Ohio On Purpose?

Clonazepam 1Mg Dosage Maybe you like corn. Or soy beans. Or John Scalzi Or Buckeyes. Or humidity. Or the occasional pig farm. Or John Scalzi’s Cat Or maybe it’s just on your way to somewhere. Whatever your reason, I’ll tell you why I’M going to Ohio: And in the words of Levar Burton, don’t take my word for it — come see for … Read more

The Time Management, She Approaches… Well, I bought the book. It’s the Kindle version, which O’Reilly promised was DRM-Free — but I’m not totally convinced. Still, the book is amazing. I’m about 25% finished. This guy gets it, and I can’t recommend the book enough. Anyway, I think I’m going to officially start on July 1. I have bible camp next week, and need to … Read more

A Month of Schedules?

I’ve spoken of this before, but the truth of the matter is that I’m a terribly disorganized person. I have an aversion to schedules, and I am a world class procrastinator. (Ask poor Jill, the editor at Linux Journal, about my deadline pushing. It’s disgusting. I have 2 more articles due today — and it’s already tomorrow AM.) Once upon … Read more