The Whole World Doesn’t Love Me It’s rather weird to be in the public eye. Granted, the “public” eyes I’m in are rather small, but when a few thousand people intake something you’ve created, there’s bound to be someone that doesn’t like you. It’s a little weird to be disliked by someone you’ve never met, or talked to, or talked about, etc. Don’t get me wrong, … Read more

The Glorious Reveal! Maybe not glorious, but hey, you get what you pay for. And this is free. (Click the image below to watch it online) I’m Linux Journal‘s new, “Gadget Guy” — and I do video reviews of products for them. The first video is up, and depending on the feedback they get, I will be a continuous feature on the Linux … Read more

Writers, FTW!

Ambien Dosage Purchase It’s really lucky for the rest of the world that geeks and writers aren’t terribly motivated folks. One of these days, however, we might actually get around to taking over the world. And I’m only half joking… UPDATE: Oh, and for the first time in my life, I can say “Union” without getting a little vomit in the back of … Read more

Scary stuff This scared me today: But it was healed a bit later. I didn’t realize how much I depend on Google… Even my NaNoWriMo novel is on Google, so they better pay their electric bill, because I need them to stay running! (Novel is going very slowly, and the site redesign wasn’t just me procrastinating, it’s something I’d been working on … Read more


I recently wrote an article about the Quake III gaming engine being released open source, and the games that have developed from it. It’s here, but unless you’re a Linux Journal subscriber, you can’t read it yet. (Feel free to subscribe, by the way ,it’s a great magazine, and they have a pleasant habit of giving me money…) Anyway, today, … Read more

Wordcount, Day 1

Clonazepam Express Shipping I wrote 1833 words today. Which is, not too bad. The really cool part is that for the first time ever, I had FUN writing fiction! Not looking back and just writing was hard, don’t get me wrong, but it was also freeing. My characters actually came to life a bit, and it was really fun watching them interact. I’m … Read more

NaNoWriMo, baby… I decided to write a novel. 🙂 Yeah, yeah, I’ve been saying that for years, but I’m taking advantage of National Novel Writing Month, and I’m going to try to really do it. Basically, for the month of November, entrants must write like crazy, and by the end they must have 50,000 words. The catch? Well, for one, that is … Read more

Dreams and Risk I used to think when people talked about taking risks in order to follow your dreams, they mainly meant the financial aspect of risk. I think that might be largely true, but as I’ve recently been following my dreams, I’ve discovered the risks aren’t always financial. I’ve wanted to be a writer for literally longer than I can remember. Writing … Read more